The Time I High-Fived Chuck Norris

The Time I High-Fived Chuck Norris

The epic C-Force Chuck Norris 5k Fun Run kicked off in College Station, TX on May 4, 2019. The best part of this race was after crossing the finish line, participants high-fived Chuck Norris, the legend! The organizers took no responsibility for any injuries may have occurred from the high-five.

Guinness World Record

The organizers wanted to set a Guinness World Record for the most number of people dressed as Chuck Norris in one location. As part of the run package, we received a denim quick-dry shirt, a belt buckle, and a beard. The 5,000 participants were encouraged to wear the provided Chuck Norris costume or create their own. Did you know Chuck Norris doesn’t get sweaty? Sweaty gets Chuck Norris.

Dressing like Chuck

I opted to create my own costume, so I dressed as Lone Wolf McQuade. I purchased various pieces on Amazon and found the rest around my house. Can you see the resemblance?

The Starting Line

At the starting line, the legend kick-started the race with a pre-game speech and encouraged the runners with a double-thumbs up. I tried passing him, but Chuck Norris stands faster than anyone can run.

The Fun Run

Many participants imitated Chuck’s most recognizable character, Walker, Texas Rangers. In addition, runners donned more creative costumes like nun-Chucks and Total Gyms. The copycats ran or walked the course through Texas A&M’s West Campus in College Station, TX. Chuck Norris is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.

The Chuck Norris High-Five

After I ran the 5k and crossed the finish line, I waited my turn to approach the man, the myth, the legend. Chuck Norris high-fived me on May 4, 2019, and my hand is still sore! Here is the moment I had waited for from various angles.

The organizers called this the first inaugural run. While there was no run scheduled for 2020, hopefully this awesome 5k will continue in the years to come! Time waits for no man, unless that man is Chuck Norris.

For other interesting adventures, visit the Krystal Clear Trekking Random Adventures page.

Resources for the C-Force Chuck Norris facts can be found here.